Scientists continue to ring alarm bells about the risks associated with the continued misuse of antimicrobials and advocate for innovative treatments, improved surveillance, and greater public health education.
Political activist and Nobel winner Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin pioneered X-ray crystallography to discover the molecular structures of penicillin and insulin.
Where and how human papillomavirus integrates itself into the human genome steers the infection’s clinical outcomes, finds a large, multifaceted study.
The Scientist’s Creative Services Team | 1 min read
In this webinar, Ron Brown discusses the problems with current medical device biological safety assessment approaches and suggests that evidence-based strategies could be the solution.
A method for culturing the infectious stage of the Plasmodium lifecycle could increase malaria vaccine production efficiency by tenfold, study authors say.
Researchers found that shifted sleep/wake cycles in young rats result in increased functional deficits and mortality following stroke later in life.
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