This webinar will be hosted live and available on-demand

Tuesday, October 24, 2023 
11:00 AM Eastern Time 

Western blotting seems like a simple technique, but it can be troublesome, causing scientists to waste precious samples. While SDS-PAGE and western blotting protocols are straightforward, there are many critical decision points that contribute to success or failure. In this Technique Talk brought to you by MilliporeSigma, Kelly Wolfe will highlight the tips and tools necessary for western blot success, review the western blotting workflow, and discuss how to troubleshoot challenges at each step. 

Learning Objectives

  • SDS-PAGE and western blotting tips, tricks, and troubleshooting
  • Innovations designed to streamline western blotting workflows
Kelly Wolfe, PhD

Kelly Wolfe, PhD
Application Development Scientist

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