Neuston: Living Among Plastic Debris in the Open Ocean
With plastic recovery operations now underway in the world’s marine garbage patches, scientists must contend with how little was known about the organisms living at the surface.
Neuston: Living Among Plastic Debris in the Open Ocean
Neuston: Living Among Plastic Debris in the Open Ocean
With plastic recovery operations now underway in the world’s marine garbage patches, scientists must contend with how little was known about the organisms living at the surface.
With plastic recovery operations now underway in the world’s marine garbage patches, scientists must contend with how little was known about the organisms living at the surface.
The Scientist’s Creative Services Team | Jun 18, 2021 | 2 min read
Join The Scientist on August 20 to discuss Chelsea Wald’s tour of projects aimed at improving toilets—and solving many of the world’s problems in the process.
Britain’s largest university aims to eliminate single-use plastics, in the lab and elsewhere around campus, by 2024. How exactly the institution plans to meet that goal is yet to be determined.
Researchers say the Open Agricultural Initiative promoted a high-profile project with misleading claims, and documents show it violated state environmental regulations.
Scientists have engineered swine that pollute less, fend off disease, and produce more meat, but you won’t find them outside experimental farms . . . yet.
The breakdown of landfill trash by microorganisms may cause significant harm to the environment through the release of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, researchers at North Carolina State University claim.
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