July D1 2022 Crossword
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Note: The answer grid will include every letter of the alphabet.
Emily Cox and Henry Rathvon

Biologically, there is no simple dichotomy between female and male. . . . [B]rains are no more “sexed” at birth than are kidneys and livers. Rather, brains are “mosaics” of characteristically female and male features.

—Princeton University anthropologist Agustín Fuentes, writing in SAPIENS magazine about his new book, Race, Monogamy, and Other Lies They Told You (May 11)

More than half of those exonerated by post-conviction DNA testing had been wrongly convicted based on flawed forensic evidence.

Barbara Bradley Hagerty, referencing an analysis of forensic testimony in hundreds of wrongful convictions in a piece she wrote for The Atlantic about the tenuous nature of many forensic findings admitted as courtroom evidence  (May 12)

1. Make a potentially evolutionary change
5. Presumed residents of exoplanets
8. Wood or stone image of a Polynesian god
9. Ulmus x hollandica hybrid (2 wds.)
10. Like a trait present at birth
13. One in the class of 19-Across
15. Mover of blood to a ventricle
16. Largest of North America’s diving ducks
19. Aphid-eating beetles
21. Diverse undersea habitat
22. Trypanosomiasis transmitter
23. Bone that articulates with the sacrum


2. Equines not found in any fossil record
3. Concern of gerontologists
4. Arthur who first postulated solar fusion
5. Antiviral drug used to treat AIDS
6. Device delivering albuterol, e.g.
7. River Homer called “Aigyptos
11. Relating to seas, especially ones inland
12. Very unscientific doctoring
14. Make safe from data theft
17. Kind of acid used to kill roaches
18. Impressive hippopotamus features
20. Indigenous folk of the Great Basin

Illustration of male and female looking at pictures of their brains