Urinary tract infections leave permanent epigenetic marks in the mouse bladder epithelium, reprogramming its response to subsequent infections, a study finds.
Alejandra Manjarrez, PhD | Jan 12, 2023 | 4 min read
Repairing damaged DNA appears to drive aging by causing the loss of epigenetic information, but restoring that information reverses such effects, a study finds.
A particular leucine-ferrying tRNA is more abundant in cancerous cells than healthy ones, and lowering its levels inhibits cancer growth, a study finds.
Two studies in mice now show that researchers can control when and where CAR T cells are active, potentially overcoming previous hurdles for CAR T–based treatments.
A neural pathway between the gut and the brain led to the release of dopamine when the mice ran on a wheel or treadmill, but only in the presence of a robust microbiome.
Alejandra Manjarrez, PhD | Dec 9, 2022 | 4 min read
A mouse study concludes color-detecting cones in the eye and a subset of neurons in the brain’s thalamus are why green light exposure has an analgesic effect.
After injecting moderate doses of the dissociative anesthetic into the animals, previously “awake” brain cells go dark, and those that had been dormant suddenly light up.
Viscous solutions accelerate the migration of tumor cells and may enable metastasis, according to a new study.
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