From stem cell-recruiting gels to hormone cycle restoration, Tracy Criswell has big ideas about how to combat age-related decline in muscle regeneration.
Keeping Older Muscles Strong
Keeping Older Muscles Strong
From stem cell-recruiting gels to hormone cycle restoration, Tracy Criswell has big ideas about how to combat age-related decline in muscle regeneration.
From stem cell-recruiting gels to hormone cycle restoration, Tracy Criswell has big ideas about how to combat age-related decline in muscle regeneration.
The former thoracic surgeon was acquitted on two counts of intentional assault but convicted on a single count of felony bodily injury for a series of fatal procedures in the early 2010s.
Understanding biology’s software—the rules that enable great plasticity in how cell collectives generate reliable anatomies—is key to advancing tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.
Joshua Finkelstein, Kelly McLaughlin, and Michael Levin | Dec 1, 2019 | 4 min read
Physicists, geneticists, computer scientists, and biologists are working together to gain a full appreciation of the intricacies of organismal growth and form.