Scientists or veterinary workers doing experiments in lab with experimental animals biological genetic engineering research
Addressing the Problematic Past of Animal Behavior Research
Some of the foundational studies in the field were neither ethical by today’s standards nor replicable. But we can do better.
Addressing the Problematic Past of Animal Behavior Research
Addressing the Problematic Past of Animal Behavior Research

Some of the foundational studies in the field were neither ethical by today’s standards nor replicable. But we can do better.

Some of the foundational studies in the field were neither ethical by today’s standards nor replicable. But we can do better.

critic at large

Illustration of woman looking at floating cells through a telescope
Opinion: New Diabetes Drug Signals Shift to Preventing Autoimmunity
Jane Buckner, MD and Carla Greenbaum, MD | Mar 1, 2023 | 4 min read
A therapy for type 1 diabetes is the first to treat patients before symptoms appear, paving the way toward preventing this and other autoimmune diseases.
Illustration of a box opening with money inside
Opinion: A Call for Open Funding Procedures
Serge P. J. M. Horbach, Lex M. Bouter, and Joeri K. Tijdink | Feb 1, 2023 | 5 min read
How funders can improve transparency to foster efficiency and diversity in research
Photo of a clock on a plate with cutlery on either side.
Opinion: Changing When and How Much We Eat May Extend Healthspan
Joseph S. Takahashi and Carla B. Green | Aug 1, 2022 | 4 min read
Fasting, eating only at certain times of day, and restricting overall calorie intake can collectively contribute to lifespan extensions in animals. Could the same hold true in humans?